Thursday, June 19, 2008

Should I be lazy?

This is my first post, but this is not my first journal...I suppose one of things I should ask myself is, why did I open this? I have a livejournal which I will always be a member of and hold a permanent account...and now this...I could be extremely lazy and post something from my other journal...but I'll try to restrain myself from going that route. :-)

Since this is my first post there I should try to think of something interesting...but I won't. I suppose a quick run down will do. I am currently at work, fending off the urge to leave to beat traffic to the gym...I hate being late for aerobics. In terms of topics for future posts, eye surgery, photography shots, wedding, work, and sex stories.

Sometimes I wonder how or why my mind reacts in the way that it does. It is just filled with things that I have to do for work, things I have to do when I get home, and how I would rather be doing other things. Today is one of those days where my life feels as though it has no focus, which is odd because I am one of the most focused individuals I know, I even have a 5 year financial plan that I've mocked up and designed...I know...I'm such a geek.

Do I feel out of focus because there is something I am lacking? Or do I feel out of focus because I want to believe I am?

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